Madugu writes: Ayawaso West elections Dairies, John Dumelo, the volunteers and me.

A year by this time, I was on the edge with John Dumelo expecting the outcome of a hectic elections. Whatever the outcome, it’s been a year already. We have moved on, picked up the pieces and living with the consequences and lessons of our decisions.

I left the University knowing exactly what I wanted to do with my life, it’s be tough and rough because unlike others, we chose a more dramatic and difficult path to get to the point of the meaning of life.

John has been a such a large influence over my life and many others, since our paths crossed, we had a lot of things in common, we are both young, enthusiastic and hopeful about the future of this country. But most important, I have learnt that, with or without political power, we can do our own small things to get by life.

Anyone who know John, will attest to the fact that, he’s a free going person, and hardly takes offense, I can’t exactly pin my mind to recollect any time in our friendship, both personal and political that he was angry, no matter the circumstances.

The elections outcome was not what we expected, because we worked so hard that, we wanted to cause an upset in the voting trends 20 years since the NDC last won that constituency. By like in his characteristically magnanimous personage, John showed leadership and accepted the outcome even though he had genuine concerns to challenge same.

It’s been a year since that evening, where I, as his campaign strategist look him in the office to tell him we lost the elections and it was time to move on. But my difficulty that night was not about John, since right from the onset, he has demonstrated to me enough that, he is the kind of guy that can manage disappointment.

Our campaign volunteers, the young people who showed up in their willing numbers, to dedicate their time, regardless of the devastating virus, and braved their ways through the new voter registration, campaigning and showed up even more forcefully on elections day to maneuver that really go the best part of me that night. Strangely however, like their bravery in the course of the elections, they in their individual and group capacities, accepted the outcome and moved on as the days go by.

7th December of every year, will remain a memorable election anniversary, of nostalgia for John and the team. No matter how the news of the bigger elections outcome across the country compounded our grieving from Ayawaso West, we as a party must work, correct our mistakes and build back better and stronger for the future.

Our country is expecting so much from the opposition party, more particularly in parliament, and the conduct of our parliamentarians give me hope that, we can keep the momentum to reorganize the party back to power.

Thank you to all who supported our campaign, we remain grateful and hope that, if we pen down our story four years from now, it will one that lifts this country from its current predicament and failed governorship.

Good evening, and a Happy anniversary to all.

By Benjamin Madugu 

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