New PRINPAG Executives take Oath of Office

Published on October 4, 2022 by

Executives of the Private Newspapers and Publisher’s Association of Ghana (PRINPAG) have been sworn-in, at a colorful ceremony held in Accra on Tuesday.

The Chairman of the National Media Commission (NMC) Mr. Yaw Boadu Ayeboafoh who swore in the Executives urged them to work to advance the frontiers of Journalism as well as ensure adherence to responsible Journalism by the members of the Association.
He said the success of the new administration would depend on their stringent quest to create a media environment that is devoid of hostility and malice.

The Minister of Information, Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah noted that the Executives are being sworn in at a time when much is expected of them as leaders of a media Association.

“You’ve taken off at the time the expectation is high. Do well to serve your people”, Hon. Oppong Nkrumah urged.

He, therefore, advised the new leadership to “keep up the good works and ensure adherence to media ethics”.

The newly elected President of PRINPAG, Mr. Andrew Edwin Arthur who was elected for the second term in his inaugural address commended the past administration of the Association for the milestone chalked for the Association.

“Mr. Chairman, among others, the immediate past administration achieved a lot for the Association during its three-year period in the office having served the Association dutifully and to the best of our ability, in a selfless manner, and as a result achieved some appreciable results collectively”, Mr. Arthur stressed.

“… Mr. Chairman, it was trite knowledge that the Association did not have an office space at the time we took over in the year 2019, however, we solicited funding support and managed to provide the current office premises, which accommodates the Secretariat of the Association”.

Some of the achievements chalked by the past administration according to the PRINPAG President include the coming into force of the PRINPAG Constitution and the creation of a database, which data base he said was used for the election and selection of members for training programs sponsored by GRA, Eximbank, and the Bank of Ghana.
Mr. Edwin Arthur who assured members of a more viable Association which will respond primarily to the welfare of members however admonished members to eschew irresponsible journalism stressing that the Association will deal ruthlessly with members who go contrary to the ethics of the profession.

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