Make the Education of your Children a Priority - Parents urged  

Make the Education of your Children a Priority – Parents urged  

The Honorable Member of Parliament (MP) for Ketu North, Dr. James Klutse Avedzi, has advised parents to prioritize the education of their children as that is the best legacy they could leave behind for their wards. He said no nation can develop without an educated population.

Hon Avedzi was speaking during a colorful durbar to climax activities marking the 48th “Deviza” (Native festival) annually celebrated by the chiefs and people of Xipe, a farming community in the Ketu North Municipality of the Volta region at the weekend.

Make the Education of your Children a Priority - Parents urged  

He emphasized the need to invest in the education of girls as it has become evident that across the globe women and girls are blazing the trail in Politics and Entrepreneurship. He advised parents to refrain from making unnecessary expenditure especially on funerals and to channel such funds into the training of their children who he observed are the leaders of tomorrow.

A deputy National Youth Organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Edem Agbana, who is a native of Xipe, in a Keynote address challenged Parents to invest massively in the education and training of their children. He observed that elsewhere on the globe women held high offices as business executives and prime ministers and that was due to the efforts put in by their parents and the society as a whole.

Mr. Agbana advised students to also study hard to justify the huge investments made in them by their parents. He paid tribute to the Member of Parliament for the Ketu North Constituency, Dr James Klutse Avedzi for his efforts at improving education at Xipe and for that matter the entire constituency and urged all other stakeholders to support the MP to continue to do more for the Constituency. He also pledged his support to the community at all times.

The “Dufia” of Xipe, Torgbui Hanyra lll in a welcome address called on all natives of the town to come together to build a stronger community.

“As your chief, all I expect of you is your support in diverse ways to build an inclusive society full of peace, unity and brotherliness,” he stated.

Make the Education of your Children a Priority - Parents urged  

Torgbui Hanyra lll also praised the MP who he described as an “illustrious son of Xipe” for the numerous developmental projects he spearheaded in the area and called on other well-meaning individuals to emulate him.

This year’s “Deviza” was celebrated to raise funds to build a teachers’ bungalow to house newly posted teachers to the Xipe community. It was on the theme “improving the Quality of Education, Our role as a Community.”

By Nelson Ayivor

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